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Use the style sheet as a base layout and adhere to the guidelines below.
Main Contributions
Main contributions deal with central and overarching questions concerning martial arts and combat sports. They can take the form of an overview summarizing and assessing the state of research, develop theoretical approaches or methodological designs, document and classify empirical research projects or serve as a practical example. Simultaneously, the main contributions‘ topics should not be of a very narrow focus or highly specialized. These articles are reviewed in a double-blind peer-review process.
Impulse Papers / Research Reports
Research reports or impulse papers present questions, theoretical foundations, methodological considerations and empirical results from concrete research projects. Projects that have not yet been completed can also be published here using available interim results, while initial ideas can be formulated in the form of approaches to such projects. These papers‘ focus should be less general/more specialized than the one used in a main contribution. These papers are not peer-reviewed. They will be examined by an editor-in-chief and edited by the journal’s editorial team.
Conference Papers
The corresponding papers were simultaneously presented at an annual conference of the Commission for Martial Arts and Combat Sports of the German Association for Sports Science e.V. In terms of their structure, they offer the same possibilities as the impulse papers/research reports. They will be examined by an editor-in-chief and edited by the journal’s editorial team.
JOMAR | Reprints
JOMAR | Reprints are contributions from the proceedings of the annual conference of the dvs-committee “Martial Arts and Combat Sports“.
The authors are supposed to adhere to the following guidelines when handing in a submission. Contributions that do not adhere to the list below may be rejected.
- Scope: Main contributions should not surpass 50.000 characters, contributions in other areas 25.000 (including spaces, abstract and references)
- Format: The document is provided in a standard format (e.g. docx, rtf, odt) and is formatted in a simple manner. Please use the following Layout as a guideline: -> Link Style Sheet
- Citation: References and citations should use the APA-Standard (7th edition).
- Charts and figures are to be placed in their intended spot in the article and should be formatted along the direction of reading. More extensive attachments (e.g. pictures) may be handed in as additional documents.
- Abstract: The article has to be prefaced by a short abstract (no more than 1000 characters) in German as well as in English
- Key Words: Please add 3 to 6 relevant keywords in German as well as in English.
- Quality Standard: The rules of proper scientific conduct (see DFG, dvs, DGfE) are to be adhered to. This includes the use of proper citation as well as clear labeling of other authors’ intellectual property.
- Anonymization: To ensure a proper ‘Double Blind’ review process, it is imperative that all clues concerning the identity of the authors are omitted or deleted from the text or the document data itself.
Declaration of Commitment
By submitting a contribution, the main author declares that they accept full responsibility for the following aspects and can be legally charged for any violation. This declaration serves as a substitute for a signature on paper. The submitting person declares that 1) they have clearance from every co-author to hand in this specific version of the manuscript and are allowed to serve as their spokesperson throughout the review process; 2) the contribution has not been published in another journal before and has not been handed in at another journal either (if not, an additional declaration was attached); 3) the manuscript that was submitted is an original work and that neither any illustration nor any additional material or parts of it inflict any existing copyright issue; 4) the manuscript does not contain any uncouth, obscene, insulting or slanderous content in a general sense; 5) all interests that could impair the manuscript’s credibility were laid bare in a notification for the editors; 6) all authors declare the editors in the areas of guarantee and depiction of property, originality or other infringements committed by the authors void of responsibility. This exemption remains valid after the publication of the manuscript and pertains to all other claims as well. Additionally, by submitting the author declares their acceptance of a publication under a CreativeCommons-Licence as well as the granting of a simple right of use for the JOMAR.
Copyright Notice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). In short, the copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open-access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution to the author and link to the licensing, in educational, commercial, and non-commercial settings.
Privacy Statement
For the purpose of reviewing your submissions for the Journal of Martial Arts Research (JOMAR) as well as to examine a possible publication in the JOMAR we record and process the submitted personal data (especially name, institution and address) as well as the submitted manuscript itself. This is based on article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1 of the DS-GVO. When submitting a main contribution this impacts e,g, the anonymous transfer of your manuscript to selected reviewers during the process of examination for general suitability. Details on the exact nature of the review process can be found using the following link: Style Sheet. Our declaration of privacy can be found using this link: -> Link Datenschutz (eng?)