Manuscript layout

General Information

We are looking forward to contributions in any of our columns that are centered around JOMAR-specific key problem areas.

Main contributions deal with central and overarching questions concerning martial arts and combat sports. Research reports or impulse papers present questions, theoretical foundations, methodological considerations and empirical results from concrete research projects. Conference papers present questions, theoretical foundations, methodological considerations and empirical results from concrete research projects that have already been presented during a respective conference. JOMAR | Reprints are contributions from the proceedings of the annual conference of the dvs-committee “Martial Arts and Combat Sports“. Reviews deal with current and relevant publications in the field of martial arts research.

Articles can be submitted in either German or English.

Submission and peer-review process

Please submit your contributions by sending a mail to the editors in chief via Please pay attention to the submission preparation checklist.

When submitting you are allowed to suggest a list of possible reviewers. A short statement in the mail is enough.

After receiving a submission the editors in chief examine the contribution‘s general suitability fort he peer-review process in terms of content and format. During the following peer-review process the submissions will be double-blind reviewed according to our guidelines.


The manuscripts should be formatted within a simple document. Please find attached our style sheet.

All acceptance criteria have to be met in order to submit a manuscript. This includes the terms and conditions for publishing under the Creative-Commons-License as well as adhering to the journal’s formal submission guidelines and the proper citation system. The JOMAR uses the APA (American Psychological Association, 7th edition) citation system.

The article should be constructed along a clear structure if possible, e.g. introduction (motivation, definition of the problem as well as a brief overview of the relevant literature), study (Background, methodology, materials, topics, results and discussion) and conclusion.

References and citations are to be placed in the text proper and not in a footnote. The authors should only use relevant and necessary references and literature. Footnotes are meant to be used only for relevant content (e.g. supporting text comprehension). They are numbered in c